Room Divider Aquarium

This huge 3 metre aquarium acts not only as a focal point of the room but also as a divider in a lounge space in South London. Built perfectly in between two structural pillars the idea was to maximise the space of the aquarium without removing the open plan feel of the space.

The main concept behind this design was to keep the decoration minimal and to have as much open water as possible. We added a few small rock sculptures offering hiding spaces for the fish, without removing visibility between both sides of the room. We decided to add Malawi Cichlids as they are extremely colourful, interactive and they will utilise the huge volume of water.

All of the filtration is housed directly underneath the aquarium and our technicians simply remove the panelled cladding to carry out the weekly service.

Dimensions – 3200 x 600 x 750H (mm)
Water Volume – 1500 Litres
Client – Hospitality
Livestock – Tropical Freshwater