Only Cloud versions of the D-D P4 Pump(s) using the Kamoer Remote App can be linked to the KH Manager. Both the KH Manager and the D-D P4 dosing pump(s) will need to be connected through a router to the same cloud account for the control function to be used.
Connection to the D-D P4 and P4 PRO pumps allows automatic adjustments to be made to the programmed schedule of one or more of the dosing pump heads after each KH test, avoiding the over or under dosing issues commonly found with traditional dosing methods. If controlling a single head for KH buffer your programmed additions are automatically increased or decreased depending on the test result and the parameters you have set within the KH Manager maintaining a stable KH. Any dosing heads on the P4 or P4 PRO pumps that you do not want to be automatically adjusted can be set to run an independent dosing schedule as normal with no adjustments from the KH Manager.This control can also allow multi part dosing systems to be adjusted by the KH Manager or the dosing of other elements such as Calcium and Magnesium to be increased or decreased with the KH usage of your aquarium.If connecting a Kamoer FX-STP the link will allow the KH Manager to switch the FX-STP on or off for a set time depending on the test results. The speed of the dosing is still controllable on the FX-STP.
- Secure ‘Click Lock’ data port connection to the KH Manager
- Two output communication ports for P4/P4PRO Connection
- Power input and output connections for Kamoer FX-STP
- Status indicator lights