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Korallen Zucht

Korallen Zucht ZEOvit 1000ml

Korallen Zucht ZEOvit 1000ml

Regular price £16.99
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Presently a mix of four different zeolite with a fourth currently being tested. ZeoVit removes many pollutants in its own right and becomes 'live' and produces even more positive results when used ...  Read More
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Presently a mix of four different zeolite with a fourth currently being tested. ZeoVit removes many pollutants in its own right and becomes 'live' and produces even more positive results when used in conjunction with ZeoBak and ZeoFood. Ultimately the biological equilibrium The water becomes nature near nutrient arm.

Operative time: around 8-12 weeks depending upon bio-load. When replacing, place about 5% of the old material under the new material to help transfer the bacteria to the new media. Rinse out new material before use.