UltraMarine's outstanding images and inspirational content will leave you full of ideas for your own aquarium, and will be an essential tool in guiding you through new set-ups, maintenance, stocking and equipment choices, and tank health.
UltraMarine caters for all aspects of the marine fish hobby, from absolute beginner to the most advanced aquarist. Our inspiration stems from a wide appreciation beyond the borders of our marine tanks, often tackling issues surrounding oceanography so that we can better understand our captive environments.
Included in the Latest Issue:
- REDOX - the low-down on this invaluable tool
- Fishes in Focus - the magical fairy wrasses
- The living art of Sonny Haraljy
- Reef Restorations - revamping that reef
- The black and white world of Banggai cardinals
- Successful Reef Aquariums, Part 3
- Adding fishes and invertebrates to the Rubble Zone
- eathery Tube Worms
And much, much more!