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A comprehensive selection of purpose designed tanks ideal for keeping Betta or Shrimp

A comprehensive selection of purpose designed tanks ideal for keeping Betta or Shrimp

Betta fish and shrimp are popular choices for aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors and unique behaviors. However, keeping them requires specific tank setups to ensure their health and well-being. Purpose-designed tanks provide the perfect environment for these species, offering features tailored to their needs. In this blog, we’ll explore the best tanks for Betta fish and shrimp, along with product recommendations from Charterhouse Aquatics.

Why Choose Purpose-Designed Tanks?

1. Optimal Space: Purpose-designed tanks provide the right amount of space for Betta fish and shrimp, ensuring they have enough room to swim and explore.

2. Specialized Features: These tanks come equipped with features such as built-in filtration, appropriate lighting, and hiding spots, which are crucial for the health and comfort of Betta fish and shrimp.

3. Aesthetic Appeal: Purpose-designed tanks are often sleek and modern, making them a beautiful addition to any home or office.

Best Tanks for Betta Fish

1. Fluval Spec I9 Aquarium Kit

Overview: The Fluval Spec I9 is a compact yet spacious tank perfect for Betta fish. It features a powerful circulation pump with adjustable output and a 3-stage filtration system to keep the water clean and clear.


  • 19-litre capacity, ideal for Betta fish
  • LED lighting system for enhanced viewing
  • Sleek and modern design

Recommended Product: Fluval Spec I9 Aquarium Kit

2. Aqua One Betta Trio Tank

Overview: This tank is specifically designed for Betta fish, featuring three separate compartments to house multiple Bettas while preventing them from fighting.


  • Separate compartments with individual filtration
  • Compact and stylish design
  • Easy to set up and maintain

Recommended Product: Aqua One Betta Trio Tank

Best Tanks for Shrimp

1. Dennerle Nano Cube White Glass 30L

Overview: The Dennerle Nano Cube is an excellent choice for shrimp keepers. It includes a complete setup with a filter, heater, and lighting, providing a perfect habitat for shrimp.


  • 20-litre capacity, ideal for shrimp colonies
  • High-quality glass and sleek design
  • Includes all necessary equipment for a shrimp tank

Recommended Product: Dennerle Nano Cube Complete Plus

2. Fluval Edge Aquarium Set

Overview: The Fluval Edge is a modern, stylish tank perfect for shrimp. Its 23-litre capacity and advanced filtration system make it an excellent environment for shrimp.


  • 23-litre capacity for ample space
  • Integrated LED lighting for plant and shrimp health
  • Unique design with a clear top view

Recommended Product: Fluval Edge Aquarium Set

Tips for Setting Up Betta and Shrimp Tanks

1. Appropriate Filtration

Both Betta fish and shrimp require clean water, but strong currents can stress Betta fish and shrimp. Choose a filter with adjustable flow rates.

Recommended Product: AquaClear Power Filter - This filter offers adjustable flow rates, making it suitable for both Betta fish and shrimp tanks.

2. Heating and Lighting

Maintain stable temperatures with an aquarium heater and use appropriate lighting to mimic natural conditions and support plant growth.

Recommended Product: Eheim Jager Aquarium Heater - A reliable heater for maintaining consistent water temperatures.

3. Hiding Spots and Plants

Both Betta fish and shrimp need hiding spots to feel secure. Include plants and decorations to create a natural environment.

Recommended Product: Dennerle Shrimp Safe Plants - These plants are safe for shrimp and help create a natural habitat.


Choosing the right tank for Betta fish and shrimp is essential for their health and well-being. Purpose-designed tanks provide the ideal environment, ensuring these species thrive. For top-quality tanks and aquarium supplies, visit Charterhouse Aquatics. Trust Charterhouse Aquatics to provide expert advice and the best products to keep your aquarium thriving.

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