
Orlando Macna

Orlando Macna - Charterhouse Aquatics
When it was announced that MACNA 2019 would be held in Orlando Florida I had pictures of beautiful sun, the best frags in the world and maybe a cheeky visit to Disneyland. Upon arrival, the sun was certainly present, and the frags, but just before either could be fully enjoyed (and definitely before we got into Disneyland) Hurricane fever struck! 

Hurricane Dorian was travelling up the coast of the Caribbean and due to land in Orlando before the show was over, and once the airports had decided that they would close on Monday there was definitely a rush of both customers and exhibitors looking to leave the show early (us included) Despite the expected storm's disruption cutting the show short, there was still all the great things you would expect from MACNA.

As British visitors, we were very happy to finally get our hands on the much anticipated Neptune Trident System, the auto testing of your aquariums foundation elements is setting the trend in product innovation at the minute, and what with the so many reefers running a Neptune control system already, the Trident is due to be HUGE over here, as has been the case in the USA.  

The guys at Neptune have promised that stock should be here in the UK before the end of the year, and while prices are yet to be confirmed we expect the units to be between £600-800 (Although you must not hold us to that). Demand is due to outstrip supply when the units first arrive so remember to get in touch with your email and phone number to ensure you are top of the list once they do arrive. 

Neptune were not the only company showing off their new products, Reef Octopus introduced their new Blade powerheads. For those of you that have been following our social media or youtube feeds you may have already seen the pictures, and the main comments were 'these look like Gyres'. 

Now you would be forgiven for thinking that, it was certainly the feedback from the show, however, the Blade has a party trick!
Yes its a horizontally mounted impeller that can produce Gyre type flow, but instead of having two blades running from one motor, each blade can be run independently. This means that you can essentially run each pump like half a Gyre, or run them connected together. This gives you the option to run two parts at either end of the aquarium, on the same panel but separated, or like a traditional Gyre style unit. Couple this versatility with high flow rates and wifi controllability and the new Reef Octopus Blade is sure to be a hit - WATCH THIS SPACE. 

Kessil were present at the show and had on display a prototype AP700 style light, it was very much a protype but with more power output and a slimmer, sleeker profile promised it is certainly one to watch. Kessil also had their new WIFI DONGLE on display.
A super slick and slim product that so many of you have been asking for, this will fit directly into your existing Kessil X units and allow you to operate the lights (yes one dongle for multiple lights) using the new Kessil App and WIFI platform. Due to be available in the UK very soon it should allow the Kessil to be up there with some of the best-LED competitors when it comes to wireless controllability. 

Ecotech Marine gave us the first glimpse of the new VERSA utility pump. At first glance, you would be forgiven for thinking that Ecotech have simply produced and released a dosing pump can be run singularly, or as a bank of pumps daisy-chained together, you would, however, be wrong.
Ecotech are calling the VERSA a utility pump, and when talking to the team we think that is certainly the right move. Each Versa unit will be capable of moving far more liquid than most standard dosing pumps, and over multiple points throughout a 24hr period. Both of these points open up the options to use the pump for far more than just dosing elements, think auto top-up, water changes, reactor feeds etc. Couple this with the fact that the pumps will be operated by Ecotechs new Mobius control platform and this is one exciting product! 

As with all Ecotech products the Versa utility pump looks, feels and promises to be well made, reliable and as silent as they come. While speaking with the Ecotech guys they explained that this has been one of there longest-running projects, with the pumps being tested and developed for years.
Versa pumps should be on the shelf before the end the year, as is the case with the Mobius control platform, which will wirelessly control ALL OF YOUR ECOTECH PRODUCTS! 

One of the standout new products from the show was from Real Reef Manufacturing. As a product that we love here at Charterhouse, many of you marine hobbyists will be familiar (and have likely used) Real Reef Rock. Their MACNA stand was filled with beautiful new branching and plating pieces of rock that will allow you to create even more interesting scapes in the future, with all the environmental benefits that Real Reef delivers to boot! All new pieces will be available on the website VERY SOON! 

Lots of other manufacturers were present showing their latest products and projects, and the like of Rossmont, Seneye & BlueLife all have new products that are due to land here soon. 

Now onto the livestock...a very frustrating affair!

For any reef keeper reading you will more than likely be aware, or at least have heard of some of the shops that reside in Florida. World Wide Corals and Top Shelf Aquatics just to name just two. Couple that with some fantastic coral vendors who had travelled to the show, including the likes of Jason Fox, and you had a smorgasbord of corals fit for any reef nerd! 

Everything from the craziest colour morph zoas, all the way through to rainbow scolys, gold torches and everything in-between. Frustrating when you have a new tank, void of corals at home & ready to be stocked! 

We did get a chance to visit World Wide Corals and Top Shelf while we were in Florida and you can check out the youtube video from our trip here -

As I mentioned previously our MACNA was cut short due to Dorian and we had to leave Sunday morning to avoid being stranded in Orlando. That meant less coverage both here and on the Charterhouse TV youtube channel than we would have liked, so please accept our apologies. 

MACNA 2020 is due to be hosted in Arizona which should mean no hurricanes so we will make it up to you then!

If you have any questions regarding any of the products mentioned, please feel free to get in touch and we will, of course, be more than happy to help!

Reading next

Red Sea Reefer G2 Aquariums
The Ultimate Guide to Fluval Aquariums: Quality, Innovation, and Design

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