With thorough analysis of many calcium reactor systems and testing on Sustainable Reefs coral farm, Coral Essentials have determined the trace elements that are typically not replenished at the required levels. They developed Calcium Reactor 1 & 2 supplements to provide these additional trace elements in the ratio required.
Calcium Reactor 1 is a blend of Fluoride, Iodide, Boron, Bromide and Molybdenum.
Calcium Reactor 1 and Calcium Reactor 2 are to be dosed in equal parts in conjunction with each other for best results.
SPS/Mixed Reef lightly Stocked - 1.0mL / 100L daily
SPS/Mixed Reef medium Stocked - 1.5mL / 100L daily
SPS/Mixed Reef heavy Stocked - 2.0mL / 100L daily