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Deltec MC500 Multi Compact Protein Skimmer

Deltec MC500 Multi Compact Protein Skimmer

Regular price £447.99
Regular price Sale price £447.99
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Deltec MC500 Skimmer TurboUprated Model  The Deltec MC500 Internal Skimmer is the ideal solution when you want to keep everything inside the aquarium or as a compact sump skimmerThe MC500 is now fi...  Read More
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Product Description

Deltec MC500 Skimmer Turbo
Uprated Model 

The Deltec MC500 Internal Skimmer is the ideal solution when you want to keep everything inside the aquarium or as a compact sump skimmerThe MC500 is now fitted with a full size pinwheel and generates 350-400 lts of air at the pump like the TS1250.Now suitable for aquariums from 450-650 lts  (100-140 UK G) stocking
 When starting up in marine fish keeping many people opt for a budget low efficiency skimmer which gets thrown away after 6 months or when they upgrade the size of their systems. You should therefore bear in mind that this skimmer will not only be suitable for the 50 gallon aquarium that you are looking at now but can be reused in their subsequent systems for anything up to 120 gallons. This makes much more financial sense than spending up to 2 thirds of the Deltec price or more on the budget skimmer and then throwing it away when you move up to your next tank. 

Tank mounted Installation.

The MC500 fits tidily inside the aquarium against either the back or side wall and normally can be fitted using the bracket supplied, (either clear front face or black back face forwards). As long as the water level does not exceed the maximum shown on the body then the unit will operate.The MC500 will not fit easily on the new Vision 450 and for this tank we recommend the MCE600 skimmer with the return flowing into the corner filter box.

Sump Mounted Installation

The skimmer can be used in any sump as long as the water depth is greater than 125mm and does not exceed the max level shown on the body. An adjustable weir plate is provided which raises the water level to the correct height for any depth of water.

Now fitted with a full size pinwheel and generates 350-400 lts of air at the pump like the TS1250.

Now suitable for aquariums from 450-650 lts  (100-140 UK G) stocking.