Cover the anemones with this product and you will soon say F-Aiptasia like so many others have! And when used properly, F-Aiptaisa will not harm corals or other inhabitants! ( DON'T PUT ON CORALS!!! )
- Reef Safe
- No injection required
- No need to siphon anemone out of tank after application
- Lasting results
- No effects on water chemistry
Directions Special Note: Please stir the product with the supplied stirring stick and shake vigorously upon receiving it and immediately before any use. It does tend to separate. In the event that the product hardens, it is safe to add a small amount of RO/DI water.
- Stir well and shake prior to use.
- Turn off all power heads during application.
- Using included syringe, apply directly to aiptasia anemone. As you start to cover them, they will retract. Just cover them completely!
- Leave power heads off for 30 minutes or until product hardens. You can remove the hardened shell a few days later.
- After several hours, F-Aiptasia will create a 'shell' over the anemone and trap it with the caustic product inside the shell. This robs the anemone of the ability to release reproductive spores in the aquarium!
- Next time you perform your maintenance or 5 days after covering, you can simply brush the "shell" away. Aiptasia is gone!